Binay B. Mandal

Binay B. Mandal, Ph.D., served as a Professor of Plant Genetic Resources Division at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi and, a Principal Scientist at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi. He did his graduation and post- graduation from Calcutta and Kalyani University, West Bengal and was recipient of University Merit Scholarship. He obtained his Ph.D. from IARI, New Delhi and did Post-Doctoral Research with Prof. T.A. Thorpe at the University of Calgary, Canada. He also did short-term advanced research on plant cryopreservation with Dr. Erica E. Benson at the University of Abertay, Dundee, Scotland. Dr. Mandal served as scientist (Genetics) at CRRI, Cuttack and developed selected breeding lines in rice through hybridization of inter- geographic races (indica � japonica). He treated developing embryos of rice, instead of commonly used matured seeds, with chemical mutagen which resulted in two- fold increase in mutation frequency. Dr. Mandal�s major research work, for over 20 years as Principal Scientist at NBPGR, was on conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) using in vitro and cryopreservation techniques. His ground-breaking research work leading to development of the first cryopreservation protocol for yams (Dioscorea spp.), is considered one of the early significant contributions in plant cryopreservation. Subsequently, he has made some of the most exhaustive cryopreservation studies on both edible and medicinal species of yams. Dr. Mandal served as Professor in the Division of PGR for 10 years and was involved in teaching and guiding Ph.D. and M.Sc. students. He published research articles including contributory, review articles and book chapters on aspects mostly related to conservation of plant germplasm. He has two books on conservation of PGR to his credit.

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