Dr. Seema Singh

teaches Economics at Delhi Technological University (till June 2009, it was Delhi College of Engineering) since January1999 andhas Headed the Department of Humanities, DTU between August2006 to December 2017.She authored a textbook titled, "Economics for EngineeringStudents" from the samepublishing housein 2009 which students and teachers have widely appreciated.Largely, interested in the issues related to Engineering Education, Gender, Technology, Employment and Labour Market, she has presented and published several papers in refereed journals and conducted successfully several research projects funded by National and International organizations.She is a Board Member (South Asia) - 2021-23 of the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES) and is Vice-President of Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) India. She was Joint Secretary of the Indian Society of Labour Economics between 2006 to 2021 and the Hon. President of the University Women's Association of Delhi during 2019-21.She is a member of the editorial team and paper reviewer of many journals and is supervising post-doctoral and doctoral fellows.

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