H S Mukunda

For about thirty-five years Professor H.S. Mukunda taught post-graduate courses on rocket propulsion, mechanics and thermodynamics of aerospace propulsion, introduction to aerospace vehicles, mathematical techniques in reacting flows, and fundamentals of combustion. He has been a Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences since 1984, Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering since 1994, and Fellow of Aeronautical Society of India since 1993. He has been conferred the DRDO Academic Excellence Award 2002 for his valuable contribution in the field of missile propulsion and the Om Prakash Bhasin Award for contributions to Science and Technology in Energy in 1994 and Alumni award of Indian Institute of Science for excellence in Research in Engineering in 1994. He has held several administrative positions at Indian Institute of Science: Convener, Space Technology Cell (1982-83); Convener, Joint Advanced Technology Programme (1983-87); Chairman, Centre for Scientific and Industrial Consultancy (1989-91); Chairman, Department of Aerospace Engineering (1995-2000); Chief Executive, Advanced Bioresidue Energy Technologies Society (1996-2003).

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