M.R. Yadupathi Putty

Dr. Mysooru R. Yadupathi Putty graduated in Civil Engineering (1983) and completed his M.E. (1985) from the University of Mysore. He worked for his Ph.D. at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, in the field of Mountain and Forest Hydrology and has the unique distinction of submitting a thesis, to I.I.Sc. (1994), written in English and Kannada together. Dr. Putty has carried out four major research projects. With about 25 years of teaching experience both at U.G. and P.G. levels, he has guided two Ph.D., one M.Sc. and over 25 M.Tech. research projects. Several of the B.E. projects he has guided have been sponsored by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology. He has published over 50 research papers, many of them being in reputed journals. He has authored two books in Kannada. He is a reviewer for the ASCE Journals and has been recognised as an �Outstanding reviewer for the year 2009� by the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is a professor in civil engineering at the National Institute of Engineering, Mysore.

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