A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy
A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy

Tags: A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sayeed Ahmad

A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy

A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy serves as a complete guide to refer as a manual and as well as for recording experiments. This book presents four major chapters supported by 31 experiments, including some introductory experiments to understand the subject. It provides clean and self-explanatory diagrams in transverse section and morphology section. This manual provides an ease to students and faculty to record their observations and results as well as to draw diagrams opposite the figures through proper space given for such experiments.
It is prepared keeping in view the latest Diploma Pharmacy syllabus of Pharmacy Council of India. This book will be useful for students and faculty in Diploma Pharmacy, B Pharmacy as well as UG and PG students of Ayurveda and Unani medicine.

General Introduction
1.To study the structure and working of a simple dissecting microscope and compound microscope
2.To study about various kinds of microscopic preparations and the steps involved in microscopy Morphological Identification of Drugs
3.To perform general chemical tests for identification of Starch and Carbohydrates
4.To perform chemical tests for Tragacanth and Acacia
5.To perform general chemical tests for Protein/amino acid and Gelatin
6.To perform chemical tests for Guar gum and Agar
7.To perform general chemical tests for Castor oil and Lipids/fats/fixed oil
8.To perform chemical tests for Tannins and Catechu
9.To perform chemical tests for Resins, Asafoetida and Benzoin
10.To perform general chemical tests for Alkaloids
11.To perform chemical tests for anthraquinone, saponin, steroidal and triterpenoidal glycosides Anatomical Studies (Transverse Section)
12.To prepare and study T.S. of Fennel fruit
13.To prepare and study T.S. of Coriander fruit
14.To prepare and study T.S. of Clove
15.To prepare and study T.S. of Cinnamon bark
16.To prepare and study T.S. of Cinchona bark
17.To prepare and study T.S. of Senna leaf
18.To prepare and study T.S. of Datura leaf
19.To prepare and study T.S. of Ipecac root
20.To prepare and study T.S. of Nuxvomica seed
21.To prepare and study T.S. of Ginger Morphological Identification of Drugs
22.To study the morphology of Ispagula (seed and husk)
23.To study the morphology of Senna leaf
24.To study the morphology of the fruits of Coriander and Fennel
25.To study the morphology of Cardamom and black pepper
26.To study the morphology of the fruits of Bada-gokharu and Chota-gokharu
27.To study the morphology of the roots of Ginger and Rauwolfia
28.To study the morphology of Nutmeg seed and Clove flowering bud
29.To study the morphology of Ephedra and Punarnava
30.To study the morphology of Cinnamon and Cinchona bark Identification of Fibers
31.To perform chemical and microscopical examination of fibers used in surgical dressings Index.
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