A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry
A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry

Tags: Tags, A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Dr. Savita Garg

A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry

Engineering Chemistry has been divided into 10 chapters, covering all the disciplines of engineering chemistry such as inorganic, organic, organometallic, synthetic, physical, applied, industrial, spectroscopic and titrimetric chemistry.
Each chapter consist of methodical introduction, historical background, in depth discussion, practical applications and significance.
A large number of numerical problems drawn from various university examinations are given at the end of theoretical part of each chapter.
The book aims at:
Developing the techniques to enhance the practicability of experiments.
Developing analytical capabilities of students so that they can characterize transform and use materials and apply information in solving related engineering problems.
Developing the habit of scientific reasoning in the students.
Imparting intensive and extensive information of the subject to understand the role of chemistry in the field of engineering.
I hope this book will prove as a useful tool for students of undergraduate engineering classes and also to teachers in preparing for their lectures. Any suggestion for further improvement of the book is most welcome.
1.Electrochemistry and Energy Storage System
2.Corrosion and Metal Finishing
3.Chemical Fuel and Solar energy
4.Environmental Pollution and Water Chemistry
5.Instrumental Methods of Analysis and Nanomaterial
6.Polymer and Organometallics
7.Organic Reactions and Synthesis of a Drug Molecule
8.Periodic properties
10.Atomic and Molecular Structure
11.Model Question Paper
  • Topics explained and supported by examples.
  • Simple, systematic and logical development of the subject with emphasis on the underlying fundamental concepts, principles and applications.
  • Comprehensive question bank at the end of each chapter containing: objective type questions (classified into multiple-choice question and fill in the blanks); review questions and exercise questions.
  • Large number of examples (in the body of the text as well as in solved examples) provide manifold opportunities to understand the topics.
  • Incorporates thought stimulating exercises, latest examination questions and numerical problems.
  • Deals with safety concerns and precautions.
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