A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering
A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering

Tags: A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering, K. Padmanabhan, S. Ananthi

A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering

This book covers the whole groundwork for a consummate course on Instrumentation Engineering. Dealing with all types of instruments, methods of instrumentation, signal processing as well as sensors of every kind ─ electrical, electronic, photonic and also mechanical. The book is provided with lucid explanations of the topics with a large number of illustrations. There are worked examples embedded in the chapters and there are meaningful exercises for testing one’s study. The several chapters cover the subject and that includes the computer based instrumentation interfaces also. As such, having all these together in one volume will go a long way to meet the requirements of the candidates learning this subject nowadays.

• Measurement System
• Operational Amplifiers and Analog Signal Conditioning
• Noise: Its Properties and Methods of Elimination
• DC Bridges and Measurements
• AC Null Measurements
• Survey of Transducer Mechanisms: Transducers for Measurement
• Mechanical, Chemical and Process Instrumentation
• Electrical and Electronic Measuring Instruments
• Signal Processing Techniques Applied for Instrumentation
• Digital Interfacing Standards
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