Basic Electrical Engineering
Basic Electrical Engineering

Tags: Basic Electrical Engineering, Engineering/Computer Science, Core Engineering, K N Srinivas

Basic Electrical Engineering

Basic Electrical Engineering title is intended to educate students of first year undergraduate engineering programmes of all branches. The book presents them all the key elements of electrical engineering  particularly the basic laws, electromagnetism, materials, circuits, circuit theorem, DC and AC machines, concepts of measuring instruments, concept power system and power electronics and basis behind wiring. In order to cope up with the outcome-based education, a proper introduction of each chapter is given in this edition. Reflection Section provided at various junctions of a chapter will serve as a check-point for the reader to verify his/her conceptual understanding before proceeding further. Numerous illustrative examples and exercise will be an additional feature to ease the readers understanding.
Basic Electricity Part I: DC Circuits Alternating Current 
Part II: AC Fundamentals 
Part III: Series and Parallel AC Circuit 
Part IV: Resonance 
Part V: Network Analysis and Theorems 
Part VI: Concept of 3-Phase EMF Generation 
2. Magnetism and Electromagnetism 
Part I Part II: Magnetic Characteristics of Materials 
3. Electric Machines
Part I: DC Machines 
Part II: Transformers 
4. AC Machines 
Part I: Synchronous Machines 
Part II : Three-phase Induction Motor 
Part III: Single-Phase Induction Motor 
5. Control System 
6. Introduction to Power Electronics 
7. Power System: An Overview 
8. Measuring Instruments 
9. Domestic Wiring 
Price : $45
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Selling Price : $45
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