Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation Made Easy
Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation Made Easy

Tags: Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation Made Easy, Anatomical Terms, Histology , Physiological Systems , Transducers, Biomedical , Instrumentation System , Bioelectrical Potentials, Electrodes , Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System , Diagnostic Techniques , Biotelemetry , Patient Care, Computer in Medicine and Digital Image , Signal Processing , Nervous System , Ophthalmology Instruments

Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation Made Easy

A well set out textbook to explain the concepts of biomedical electronics and instrumentation. The book covers the complete syllabi of UP Technical University of various subjects concerning Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation. 
The text is admirably suited to meet the needs of the students of electronic engineering, electronic instrumentation, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering.
1.Anatomical Terms, Planes and Moments 
3.Physiological Systems 
4.Transducers and Biomedical 
5.Instrumentation System 
6.Bioelectrical Potentials and Electrodes 
7.Cardiovascular System and Measurements 
8.Respiratory System 
9.Diagnostic Techniques 
11.Patient Care and Monitoring 
12.Computer in Medicine and Digital Image 
13.Signal Processing 
14.Nervous System 
15.Ophthalmology Instruments 
16.Prosthetic Devices and Therapies 
17.Monitors and Recorders 
18.Systematic Body and Skin Temperature Measurement 
19.Shock Hazards and Prevention 
  • Introduces the topics of anatomical terms, planes and movements as well as histology and physiological systems of the body.
  • Includes all the important biomedical instruments used in various diagnosis for disorders from head to toe.
  • Underlying working principles have been discussed appropriately. 
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