Changing Dimensions
Changing Dimensions

Tags: Changing Dimensions, Globalisation, Democracy, Culture, Communication and New Communication Technologies, Business and Economics, Other Management Areas, Charu Lata Singh

Changing Dimensions

This book is an attempt to put light on various issues and challenges in relation to Globalisation, Democracy, Culture and Communication in wake of New Communication Technologies. Different chapters in the book try to cover different areas of study which we are witnessing in our day to day intercepts. All the chapters also present the theoretical aspects to base the arguments on logical reasoning. The chapters are then built on to explain the study following an exploratory approach. The chapters are therefore complete in their own extents and are connected to each other as well, as they are sewn together with the thread of the changing dimensions at new communication technologies. The book is divided into eight chapters. An overview on New Media, Communication and Society is presented to give an overall view on the topic. Salient Features: An overview on new media, communications and society is presented. Shows the growth and decline of globalisation on one hand and notions about democracy on the other hand in contemporary scenario, laden with wide range of issues and challenges that need to be tackled.
1- Changing contours of Globalisation and Democracy 
2- Changing Journalism Dimensions in Post Free Press Era 
3- New Media and Cultural Issues 
4- Issues in Indian Media 
5- Changing Dimensions of Public and Private Sphere 
6- Facebook Culture  7- Changing Dimensions in Higher Education 
8- Social Media and Revolutions 
9- Trolling, Cyber Bullying and Privacy
  • The 22 case studies in the book attempt to address the needs of the changing environment in the context of contemporary HR practices. 
  • Presents three major themes; The Basis of the Function -- HR Policy and Talent Acquisition, 
  • Skill Building and Developing Competency -- Investment in Talent , and Pay, Reward and Welfare -- Talent Engagement. 
  • Each case study is preceded with an Abstract, followed by the case study per se, and ends with Questions for Discussion
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