Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development
Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

Tags: Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Madhab Chandra Dash

Concepts of Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

The present book is a pioneering work on environmental management for sustainable development. This up-to-date and comprehensive textbook integrates the concepts of environmental science with environmental management dealing with different management tools for achieving sustainable development. The text is suitable for environmental science and management, MBA and BBA students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Broadly is covers: Concepts in ecology and environmental sciences.  Concepts of sustainable development including indicators, priorities and practices. Concepts of environmental management including corporate environmental indicators, legal, technological and managerial tools. Detailed treatment of environmental laws, EIA and EMP, life cycle analysis, pollution control technology, EMS certification, environmental auditing, accounting, industrial safety practices, disaster management, corporate social responsibility, etc. Waste treatment, municipal, hazardous, biomedical wastes, secured landfill, Hazchem code, risk assessment analysis, etc. Case studies. Energy management and climate change.

1.Background: Environment and Ecology
2.Concept of Sustainable Development
3.Environmental Management
4.Environmental Law
5.Waste Management
6.Energy Management
7. Global Climate Change

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