Concrete Technology
Concrete Technology

Tags: Concrete Technology, Engineering/Computer Science, Civil Engineering, S.S Bhavikatti

Concrete Technology

The book is intended to help students of civil engineering and practicing civil engineers to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of concrete technology. It includes the latest specifications and regulations of Indian Standards (IS) for concrete construction and mix design.
The book includes 17 chapters covering introduction to concrete structures, properties and requirements of constituents of concrete including the role of various admixtures to get special properties. The properties of fresh concrete and hardened concrete and the method of testing them as per IS codes are explained in detail with neat sketches. The concrete mix design procedure as per latest IS provisions of IS 10262:2009 is explained and illustrated with examples for normal concrete as well as for fly ash mixed concrete. Concreting under challenging environments, quality control and repairs and rehabilitation of concrete structures are discussed thoroughly.

6.Construction chemicals 
8.Properties of fresh concrete 
9.Properties of hardened concrete 
10.Tests on hardened concrete 
11.Concrete mix design 
12.Mass concrete 
13.Ready mixed concrete  
14.Special concrete  
15.Concreting under challenging conditions 
16Quality control of concrete 
17.Repairs and rehabilitation of concrete structures.

• Covers the theory with simple and precise explanation
• Text illustrated with generous use of diagrams, latest photographs and tables
• Incorporates mix design procedure as per IS 10262:2009
• Quality control of concrete explained systematically
• Repair and rehabilitation of concrete structures is illustrated in detail

Price : $31
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