Design and Drawing of Steel Structures
Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

Tags: Design and Drawing of Steel Structures, Engineering/Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Bhavikatti

Design and Drawing of Steel Structures

A structural design can be executed only after drawings are supplied to the site engineers and the technical staff. Hence, it is very important that a design engineers should be provided with correct drawings. 
Due to this importance civil engineering students are taught not only design but drawing also. Design of steel structures as per IS: 800-2007 is briefly presented in this book and detailed drawings are presented. 
Students of Civil engineering will find it useful for understanding the course Design and Drawing of Steel Structures.
1.Philosophy of Limit State Design 
2.Bolted Connections 
3.Bolted Beam Connections 
4.Welded Connections 
5.Welded Beam Connections 
6.Tension Members 
7.Compression Member 
9.Roof Trusses 
10.Plate Girder 
11.Gantry Girders 
  • Deals with design of steel structures along with knowledge of drawings which is equally important for any civil engineer.
  • The text is elaborated with a lot of line drawings in detail to support the discussion.
  • Contains a lot of worked examples in each chapter along with end-of-the-chapter practice questions.
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