Disaster Management
Disaster Management

Tags: Disaster Management, Future Challenges and Opportunities, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Jagbir Singh

Disaster Management

The speed and enormity of sudden disasters has forced man to react in a speedy way to come to the rescue of the people involved. The following factors are necessary to accomplish this. The exact location of the disaster site and the type of disaster, as these determine the sort of aid required. This book will provide a broad range of critical and practical ideas and intensive information with latest data regarding Disaster Management at local, regional, national and international levels. The importance of Warning systems, Remote Sensing, GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographical Information System) can't be overemphasized as with highly trained people understanding and using these equipment, many thousands of lives will be saved in the future.

Section 1: Natural Disaster Management
1. Fire Disaster: Challenges, Opportunities and its Management. A Case Study of Australia
 2. Challenges of Flood Disaster Management: A Case Study Noida
3. Global Warming: Challenges for Food Security in India
4. Landslide Disasters and its Management
5. Flood Disaster: Its Impact, Challenges and Management in India
6. Earthquake Hazard Management Section 2: Man Made Disasters 
7. Temporal Transport Hazard Dynamics: A Case Study of Delhi
8. Solid Waste Management: Post-Disaster
9. Preliminary Assessment of Impact of Tsunami on the Nutrient and Sediment Dynamics in the Pichavaram Mangrove Ecosystem, India
10. AIDS: Health Disaster, Challenges and its Management in Delhi
11. A Threat of Bio-terrorism in Mega Cities
12. Antibacterial Activity of Some Botano-Extracts Against Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Pseudomonas syringae
13. Technological Hazards: Man-Made Disasters
14. Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastal Mega Cities
15. Fire Hazard Management in Urban Areas Section 3: Role of Technology in Disaster Management
16. Future Applications and Challenges of Remote Sensing, GPS and GIS in Disaster Management in India
17. Fire Disaster and its Possible Management through GIS Technology in Delhi
18. Avalanches Problem in India and the Role of GIS, Remote Sensing and Information Technology in its Mitigation Section 4: Community Preparedness
19. Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation: Key to Disaster Management
20. Partnership Development with VBOs in Disaster Management in Delhi
21. The Impact of Tsunami on the Groundwater Quality in Tamilnadu, South East Coast of India
22. Role of Tourism Business Firms in Disaster Management Strategies
23. Impact of Tsunami on Coastal Zones
24. Challenges and Opportunities to Disaster Management in India

  • Spread in 24 chapters, the book is divided into four sections; section 1 deals with natural disaster management, section 2 with man-made disasters, section 3 explains the role of technology in disaster management, and section 4 deals in community preparedness. 
  • Every chapter comprises analysis of causes of disaster and recommendations for their effective management, with a view to mitigating risk arising from such disasters. 
  • Provides wide range of critical and practical ideas and intensive information on Disaster Management.
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