Elements of Mechanical Engineering , 1/E
Elements of Mechanical Engineering , 1/E

Tags: Mechanical Engineering, Automation and its applications

Elements of Mechanical Engineering , 1/E

Elements of Mechanical Engineering introduces the fundamentals of mechanical engineering to the first year students of all engineering branches. It covers the topics in Thermal Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering Automation and Material Science.

Simple line diagrams help to visualize the operations of machines. Solved examples are included to enhance understanding of the fundamentals.

1. Energy Resources

2. Steam Formation and Steam Boilers

3. Turbines

4. Internal Combustion Engines

5. Machine Tools

6. Automation and Applications

7. Engineering Materials

8. Metal Fabrication

9. Refrigeration and Conditioning

  • Sources of energy, fuels and combustion
  • Steam properties and boilers for steam generation.
  • Principles of operation of prime-mover.
  • Construction and operation of machine tools.
  • Automation and its applications to robotics & NC machines.
  • Properties of materials used in engineering
  • Fabrication processes like welding, soldering and brazing.
  • Application of the principles of thermodynamics to refrigeration and air conditioning.
Price : $18
Discount : 20%
Selling Price : $14.4
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