Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics

Tags: Engineering Mechanics, Engineering/Computer Science, Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering, R.K. Kaushik

Engineering Mechanics

This book has 24 chapters covering numerous problems (solved and unsolved). Problems are solved stepwise for better understanding. Some problems are solved by Vector method to make the book versatile and suitable for all universities. Wherever necessary, solutions are supported by illustrations to avoid any ambiguity. Style for presenting the matter is from easy to difficulty for clarity of subject. Chapters on overturning, skidding and load transfer of vehicles and cables using catenary curve have also been included. One unique feature of this book is one chapter Concurrent Forces in Space, mostly not available in other books.
1. Basics of Engineering Mechanics 
2. Concurrent Forces in Space 
3. Coplanar, Collinear and Co-current Forces 
4. Parallel Forces in a Plane, Moments and Couples 
5. Friction 
6. Lifting Machines
7. Centroid, Centre of Mass, Centre of Gravity 
8. Moment of Inertia 
9. Frameworks
10. Shear Forces and Bending Moment Diagrams 
11. Equilibrium of Strings and Cables 
12. Virtual Work 24. Balancing
13. Rectilinear Motion 
14. Relative Velocity 
15. Projectiles
16. DAlemberts Principle  
17. Dynamics of Rotation 
 18. Momentum, Impulse, Work, Power and Energy 
19. Centripetal Centrifugal Forces 
20. Overturning and Skidding of Vehicles
21. Collision of Elastic Bodies  
22. Simple Harmonic Motion 
23. Simple and Compound Pendulums 
Price : $70
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Selling Price : $70
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