Environment and Development
Environment and Development

Tags: Environment and Development, Challenges and Opportunities, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Jagbir Singh

Environment and Development

In the last 100 years, mankind has managed to destroy much of what it took nature millions of years to create. At no point in history has so much damage been done to our natural heritage in such short a time. If anything ever needed to be done to stop this crime against our future generations then now is the time, as with every passing day we are speeding towards a self-inflicted doomsday. What is killing our ecology and environment is generally known. What we need are solutions and ways of implementing them. This International Conference on Environment and Development: Challenges and Opportunities, being held from March 4-6, 2005, at the University of Delhi, India, is one such step. The conference presents the most up-to-date ideas on solving problems, both ecological and environmental, which mankind has brought upon itself.

Section 1: Natural Resource Management and Environment 
Section 2: Environment, Economy and Regional Planning 
 Section 3: Role of Microbiology and Biotechnology in Environment 
Section 4: Global Climate Change and Disaster Mitigation
Section 5: Environment, Health and Tourism Development
Section 6: Environment, Science & Technology
Section 7: Urban Environmental Stress

  •  Spread across seven well laid out sections, the book dwells on the environmental and ecological problems and presents a variety of ideas on solving them. 
  • It aims to co-ordinate and exchange ideas from different parts of the world, in order to increase global awareness of the current environment and ecological dilemmas. 
  • Human-environment interaction is the main focus of the book, and therefore it deals with social, legal and economic aspects apart from a natural ecological perspective.
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