Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies

Tags: Environmental Studies, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Manoj Tiwari, Kapil Khulbe, Archana Tiwari

Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is a vast and rapidly growing subject with increasing relevance for sustainable development. It is the systematic study of environment, with our proper place and role in it. Realizing the importance of imparting environmental education, the Supreme Court directed that a basic course on environment be introduced as a compulsory subject at all levels of education. Textbook of Environmental Studies deals with the various facets and dimensions of environment in an integrated, multidisciplinary and holistic manner. It provides an up-to-date, introductory view of essential topics in environmental studies to help students understand and retain the general principles. It is written with the understanding that even students without prior background in science should be able to use it, and so it has not been laid heavy with technical jargon. At the same time, it has enough depth to make it suitable as a textbook for students of different courses including humanities, commerce, science and engineering.

The Multidisciplinary Nature of Environmental Studies: What is the environment
1. Scope of Environmental Sciences
2. Importance of Environmental Science
3. Interlinked Environmental Factors
4. Need for Public Awareness
5. India’s Environmental Concerns
6. Global Environmental Issues
7. Natural Resources: Introduction
8. Classification of Natural Resources
9. Conservation of Natural Resources
10. Forest Resources
11. Water Resources
12. Mineral Resources
13. Land Resources
14 Energy Resources
15. Food Resources
The Ecosystems: Concepts of an Ecosystem
16. Ecosystem Functioning
17. Components of the Ecosystem
18. Productivity of the Ecosystem
19. Energy Flow in an Ecosystem

20. Food Chain and Food Web
21. Ecological Pyramids
22. Ecological Succession
23. Major Ecosystems Biodiversity and its Conservation: Levels of Biodiversity
24. Biogeographical Classification of India
25. Value of Biodiversity
26. Global Biodiversity
27. Indian Biodiversity
28. India as a Mega-Diversity Nation
29. Hot Spots of Biodiversity
30. Threats to Biodiversity
31.. Endangered Species of India
Conservation Methods Environmental Pollution: Air Pollution
33. Water Pollution
34. Soil Pollution
35. Marine Pollution
36. Noise Pollution
37. Thermal Pollution
38. Radioactive Pollution
39. Solid Waste Management
40. Role of Individuals in Prevention of Pollution
41. Pollution Case Studies
Disaster Management Social Issues and Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable Development
42. Popularization of the Concepts of Sustainable Development
43. Urban Problems Related to Energy
44. Water Conservation
45. Resettlement and Rehabilitation
46. Environmental Ethics
47. Climate Change
48. Wasteland Reclamation
49. Wasteland Management
50. Consumerism and Waste Products
51. Environmental Legislation
52. Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986
53. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
54. Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972
55. Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
56. Issues Involved in Enforcement of Environmental Legislation
57. Public Awareness
58. The Importance of Outreach
59. Paving the Way for Action *Indian Initiatives
Methods for Promoting Awareness of Human Population and the Environment: Population Growth
60. Population Explosion
61. Environment and Human Health
62. Human Rights
63. Value Education
64. AIDS
65. Women & Child Welfare
66. Role of Information Technology in Environment and Human Health

• Provides a crisp view of all the essential themes in environmental studies.
• Chapters are dealt in with enough depth and data. Case studies have been included at relevant places.
• Major environmental concerns including pollution, resource conservation, human population explosion etc. have been highlighted appropriately.
• A list of important terms is provided in the glossary at the end of the book followed by exercise questions for each chapter.


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