Environmental Studies and Ethics
Environmental Studies and Ethics

Tags: Environmental Studies and Ethics, Physical Sciences, Chemistry, Gouri Suresh

Environmental Studies and Ethics

Environmental Studies and Ethics deals with the various dimensions of environment in an integrated, multidisciplinary and holistic manner. It has been written as per the core module syllabus recommended by the UGC, with modifications to suit the requirements of the University of Jharkhand. The book provides the latest introductory view of essential topics in environmental studies in a simple and easy to understand style. KEY FEATURES Rainwater harvesting and solid waste management  Formulae to calculate rainwater harvesting potential and sizes of settling tanks  Questions, ranging from multiple-choice to long essay type at the end of each unit. Answers to the multiple-choice questions Information on websites and search engines, with examples
Unit 1: Definition, Scope and Importance of Environmental Studies
Unit 2: Man, Environment and Society
Unit 3: Social Issues and Environment
Unit 4: Human Population and the Environment
Unit 6: Natural Resources
Unit 7: Ecosystems
Unit 8: Biodiversity and its Conservation
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