PART – I Software Experiments
1.Assembly language program (ALP) for addition of two 16-bit numbers
2.Assembly language program for subtraction of a 16-bit number from a 16-bit number 3.Assembly language program for multiplication of 16-bit number with an 8-bit number
4.Assembly language program for dividing a 16-bit number with an 8-bit number
5.Assembly language program for multiplication of a 16- bit number with a 16-bit number 6.Assembly language program for dividing a 16-bit number with a 16-bit number
7.Assembly language program to convert 5 digit unpacked BCD number into corresponding
HEX number
8.Assembly language program to convert HEX number into corresponding BCD number
9.Assembly language program for arranging the given data in ascending order
10.Assembly language program for arranging the given data in descending order
PART – II Hardware Experiments
11.To interface a binary counter display with microcontroller
12.To interface a seven segment display with microcontroller
13.To interface a multiplexed display with microcontroller
14.To interface a stepper motor with microcontroller and
15.To rotate the stepper motor in clockwise and counter clockwise directions with full
step (1.8°) and half step (0.9°) angles
16.To interface an 8-bit D/A converter MC1408 with microcontroller
17.To convert digital data into corresponding analog voltage and
18.To generate waveforms viz. square, rectangular, ramp and triangle
19.To construct an A/D converter using D/A converter by successive approximation
technique To interface an 8-bit A/D converter ADC0809 with microcontroller
20.To interface Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module with microcontroller and display
labels on it
21.To interface an 8-bit A/D converter ADC0809 with microcontroller and
22.To measure the analog voltage and display the same on LCD module
23.To interface a 12 bit A/D converter AD1674 with microcontrolle
24.To measure the analog voltage and display it on LCD module
25.To interface a 16-bit A/D converter AD976 and
26.To measure the analog voltage and display same on LCD module
27.To interface a 12-bit dual slope A/D converter ICL7109 with microcontroller and
28.To measure the analog voltage and display the same on LCD module
30.To interface 4½ digit A/D converter ICL7135 with microcontroller and
31.To measure analog voltage and display on LCD module
32To measure temperature of water bath / To measure the frequency of a TTL signal
33.To measure pulse width (ON time) of a TTL signal
34.To measure phase angle between two signals
35.To interface serial port MAX232 with microcontroller
PART – III Projects
36.To design and construct microcontroller based pH measurement system
37.To design and construct microcontroller based conductivity measurement system
38.To design and construct microcontroller based liquid level measurement system
39.To design a microcontroller board for measurement and control applications
40.To design and construct microcontroller based DC motor speed control system
41.To design and construct microcontroller based temperature control system