Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics

Tags: Fundamentals of Bioinformatics, Database, Sequence Alignment, Database Searching, Phylogenetic Analysis, Predictive Methods, Plasmid Mapping , Primer Design, Proteomics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, gene expression

Fundamentals of Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is an upcoming discipline of Life Sciences. It is an integration of computer science, and mathematical and statistical methods to manage and analyze the biological data. The fundamental issues that directly impact an understanding of life at structural, functional and molecular level, and regulation of gene expression can be studied by using bioinformatics tools. The Fundamentals of Bioinformatics is a comprehensive book for undergraduates, postgraduates and research scholars, who urge to learn about theoretical as well as practical aspects of this upcoming field. This pioneering book provides up-to-date information on bioinformatics and emphasizes recent topics like drug design technology, pharmacogenomics, proteomics and genomics. The present textbook will be an asset to Life sciences and technology institutions, since it has been designed based on the prescribed syllabus of various Indian Universities and aboard, and cover all the important topics on Bioinformatics.

3.Sequence Alignment and Database Searching
4.Phylogenetic Analysis
5.Predictive Methods
5.Plasmid Mapping and Primer Design
6.Proteomics and Genomics
7.Drug Design Methodology
8.List of Bioinformatics software
9.GCG Wisconsin Package

  • Provides a systematic overview of bioinformatics for biologists and IT professionals.
  • Databases and database searching has been discussed prominently in the book. 
  • A detailed glossary is provided at the end of the book followed by appendices.
  • Provides a list of bioinformatics software and Wisconsin package programs in the last chapters.
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