Housekeeping Management in Hotel and Service Industry
Housekeeping Management in Hotel and Service Industry

Tags: Housekeeping Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Pralay Ganguly

Housekeeping Management in Hotel and Service Industry

The present text is a comprehensive textbook for various stakeholders engaged with hospitality industry especially rooms division. This book has a wide coverage of various courses of hospitality operations and management, namely, foundation course or short-term course in housekeeping, accommodation operations, advance course in rooms division, accommodation management with modern trends and provides up-to-date information about the accommodation sector. The book is divided into 19 chapters beginning with introduction to hotel, hospitality and housekeeping, spread in several chapters highlighting operational perspectives of rooms division and finally some chapters on accommodation management.

1. Hospitality, Hotel and Housekeeping
2. Organization of Hotel & Housekeeping, Duties & Responsibilities
3. Cleaning Organization
4. Housekeeping Procedures and Routine Work
5. Housekeeping Responsibility Area and Care-Composition of Different Surfaces
6. Linen, Uniform & Tailor Room
7. Laundry Operation and Stain Removal
8. Interior Decoration
9. Textiles
10. Floor and Wall Covering
11. Windows, Soft Furnishings and Guest Room Accessories
12. Housekeeping Budget and Control
13. Purchasing System
14. Planning of a Guest Room
15. Environmental Practices in Housekeeping
16. Managing Housekeeping Personnel
17. New Trends in Housekeeping
18. New Property Operations
19. Flower Arrangement References Glossary Question Bank (Multiple/Objective Type)

• Complete compendium from fundamentals of housekeeping to housekeeping management.
• Management of rooms, public area, linen & laundry, environment, planning trends, PMS of housekeeping department.
• MCQs related to the whole book.
• Numerous tables, figures, diagrams and pictures
• Sample formats of housekeeping department.
• End of chapter self-assessment exercises, concept review questions and key words.


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