Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines
Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines

Tags: Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines, Engineering/Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, B.S. Umre, D.P. Kothari

Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines

Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines (2nd) edition includes four new experiments in electrical machines so that it can cater to the complete syllabus of undergraduate laboratory courses of electrical machines. This book gives the basic information to the students with the machine phenomenon, working principles and testing methods, etc. It also imparts real physical understanding of various types of electrical machines. The main attraction of this laboratory manual is its power point presentation for all experiments. This manual is meant for electrical engineering students of B.E. and B.Tech and polytechnics. Salient Features: 1.Four new experiments. 2.B-H Curve of a Magnetic Material, Kirchhoff's Laws, R-L-C Series Circuit, R-L-C Parallel Circuit are the new topics covered in the book.

Experiments: 1: To Study the Speed Control of a DC Shunt Motor by
(a) varying armature voltage with field current kept constant.
(b) varying field current with armature voltage kept constant.
 2: To Perform Load Test on a DC Shunt Generator.
 3: To Perform Open Circuit and Short Circuit Test on a Single-Phase Transformer
 4: To Study (a) the Polarity Markings on Single-Phase Transformer Windings and (b) the Operation of an Autotransformer.
 5: To Study the Load Test on a Cumulatively Compounded DC Motor.
 6: To Study the Load Test on a Three-Phase Induction Motor.
 7: To Determine Voltage Regulation and Efficiency of a Single-Phase Transformer by Direct Loading.
 8: To Study the Scott-Connection of Transformers (Three-Phase to Two-Phase Conversion).
 9: To Study the Variation of Speed and Load Test on Schrage Motor.
10: To Plot V and Inverted V(?) Curves of a Synchronous Motor
11: To Determine the Ratio Xq/Xd for Three-Phase Alternator by using "Slip Test".
12: To Study the Synchronization of an Alternator with an Infinite Bus by "Dark Lamp Method".
13: To Determine Potier Reactance of Three-Phase Alternator by "Zero Power Factor Lagging Saturation Curve".
14: To Determine Negative Sequence and Zero Sequence Reactances of Synchronous Generator.
15: To Study the Characteristics of Three-Phase Induction Generator.
16: To Determine Direct Axis Subtransient (Xd"), Quadrature Axis Subtransient (Xq") Reactances of Synchronous Machine.
17: Determination of B-H Curve of a Magnetic Material
18: To Study and Verify Kirchhoff's Laws Applied to Direct Current Circuits
19: To Study R-L-C Series Circuit
20: To Study R-L-C Parallel Circuit Bibliography

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