Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications
Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications

Tags: Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications, P. Sarah, Lasers, Principles of Lasers, Einstein’s Coefficients, Four-Level Laser Schemes, Types of Lasers, Laser Applications, Optical Fibres, Principle of Fibre Optics, Types of Fibres, Applications of Optical Fibres, Attenuation in Fibre Optics, Optical Detectors, Holography, laser propagation, linewidth of typical lasers, wavelength and frequency, laser wavelength charts

Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications

Lasers and Optical Fibre Communications is a self-contained book on lasers and fibre optics for physicists and engineering students at the introductory level. It presents the latest developments in laser technology in a concise and lucid manner. The first few chapters deal with the concepts such as lasers and their origin, theoretical concepts of laser technology and their applications to various spheres. This is followed up with an exhaustive study of the various laser schemes and different laser types. A separate chapter is devoted to the applications of laser technology in spheres such as science, technology, medicine and defence. Optical fibres are equally elegantly dealt with. In particular, Ray and Mode Theory, transmission characteristics, dispersion properties of optical wave guides, and the nature of detectors deserve special mention for the excellent treatment in the book. The gamut of communication systems including the nuances of laser propagation is also presented. The most important feature of the book is the seamless blending of theory with practice to bring out how the components of fibre systems are put together to achieve techno economic solution. The book concludes with a short note on holography and masers. This book will useful for students of B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Tech, B.E and M.Tech, practicing engineers and scientists.
  • Introduction to Lasers
  • Principles of Lasers
  • Einstein’s Coefficients
  • Three- and Four-Level Laser Schemes
  • Types of Lasers
  • Laser Applications
  • Introduction to Optical Fibres
  • Principle of Fibre Optics
  • Types of Fibres
  • Applications of Optical Fibres
  • Attenuation in Fibre Optics
  • Optical Detectors
  • Holography
  • Maser
  • Appendices
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Presents the developments in laser technology in a lucid manner, covering the entire spectrum of Lasers and Optical Fiber Technology.
  • Covers origin and theoretical concepts of lasers, various laser types and schemes, and applications in science, technology, medicine and defence.
  • On optical fibres, Ray and Mode theory, transmission characteristics, dispersion properties of optical wave guides, and the nature of detectors are covered in detail.
  • Chapters are embedded with numerical problems and review questions.
  • Includes appendices explaining electromagnetic spectrum, glossary, linewidth of typical lasers, relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency, and laser wavelength charts.
Price : $22
Discount : 20%
Selling Price : $17.6
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