Mass Transfer Operations-I
Mass Transfer Operations-I

Tags: Mass Transfer Operations-I, Engineering/Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, D.C. Sikdar

Mass Transfer Operations-I

About the Book
Mass Transfer is the net movement of mass of a chemical species from the region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. It occurs in many industrial and non-industrial processes. Mass transfer is used by different scientific communities for different processes and mechanisms. Mass Transfer Operation is one of the core courses at the undergraduate level of Chemical Engineering curriculum.
The chapters are organized in a way that enables the students to acquire an in depth understanding of the subject. The emphasis is given to the basic concepts of mass transfer operating, molecular diffusion, inter-phase mass transfer, humidification operations, drying, evaporation, crystallization, adsorption, novel separations and Mass transfer analogy, all coming under the realm of mass transfer operations. Apart from the numerous illustrations, the book includes review questions, exercises and aptitude test in chemical engineering which bridge the gap between theory and practical implementation. All numerical problems are solved in a systematic manner to reinforce the understanding of the concepts. This book demonstrates how to solve the industry related problems in chemical Engineering practice.
This book is primarily intended as a textbook for the undergraduate students of Chemical Engineering. It will also be useful for other allied branches such as Mechanical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering, Bio-technology as well as Diploma in Chemical Engineering.

1. Basic Concept of Mass Transfer Operation
2. Molecular Diffusion
3. Interphase Mass Transfer
4. Humidification Operations
5. Drying
6. Evaporation
7. Crystallization
8. Adsorption
9. Novel Separation Process
10. Mass Transfer Analogy
List of Symbols
• Theoretical concepts are explained with examples.
• Numerical problems are solved in systematic way.
• Only SI unit is used
• Only essential theory part is discussed under each chapter.

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