Mathematical Methods
Mathematical Methods

Tags: Mathematical Methods, Engineering/Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, G Shanker Rao, E.Keshava Reddy

Mathematical Methods

  • Author :
"This book is designed to meet the requirements of students of science and engineering. This book offers the following topics: Interpolation, Curve fitting matrics, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Quadratic forms, Fourier series, Partial differential equations and Z-transforms. Each chapter is supplemented with a number of worked-out examples as well as number of problems to be solved by the students. This would help in the better understanding of the subject
Preface /
Matrices /
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a Matrix /
Real and Complex Matrices /
Quadratic Forms /
Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations /
Interpolation / Curve Fitting /
Numerical Differentiation and Integration /
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations /
Fourier Series / Fourier Integral Transform /
Partial Differential Equations /
Applications of Partial differential Equations /
Z-Transforms /
"• Proofs of theorems/corollaries/laws, derivations of formulas, and definitions are given appropriately.
• Topics are explained with the help of solved examples, and includes exercise problems with answer keys at the end of the chapter.
• Past examination questions are included. "
Price : $40
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Selling Price : $40
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