Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants

Tags: Medicinal Plants, Pharmaceutical Sciences, P C Trivedi

Medicinal Plants

Man has used plants as a source of medicine since ancient times, initially; these formed the bulk of fold or ethno medicine, practiced in India and some other parts of the world. Later, a considerable part of this indigenous knowledge was documented and passed into the organized system of medicine. This book contains articles covering information on medicinal plants used for curing various ailments, with special reference to India, those on herbal formulation and their standardization, herbal remedies for antibacterial therapy, commercial use of medicinal plants and their prospective applications in the present scenario
• Herbal formulations and their Standardization Aswatha Ram H.N.
• “Gymnema sylvestre” – A Wonderful Antidiabetic Drug Aswatha Ram H.N.
• Mosquito Larvicidal activity of essential oils of some medicinal plants against Aedes albopictus Skuse L. Leeja, M.J. Deena, K. Sreeranjini, B.T. Umesh and J.E. Thoppil
• Some Medicinal Important Leguminous Plants of of Kumaun Himalaya Kiran Bargali
• Lawsonia intermis Linn – A review Shadab Zafar, Shoaib Ahmad and Shibli Jameel
• Herbal remedies to antibacterial therapy: Its current status in the 21st Century A. Mazumder and R. Mazumder
• Evaluation of antilithiatic Activity of Hibiscus subdariffa Linn P. Moorthy, A.J.M. Christina, S. Selvakumar and B. Kalyan Srinivas
• Indian Medicinal Plants – Fiscus bengalensis Linn, Salacia Oblonga Wall, and Alliums as possible sources of antidiabetic, antioxidant and hypolipidemic principle K.T. Augusti
• Ethno-Medico-Botany of some sacred plants of Dhemaji District of Assam U.K. Sharma and Jitu Gogoi
• Commerical use of Medicinal plants and traditional knowledge in India G.R.K. Sharma
• Medicinal plants as potential antidiabetics: A review R.S. Gupta and J.B.S. Kachhawa
• Traditional wisdom of plants in pest control in agriculture Prof. P. Narayanasamy
• Medicinal plants of hadoti plateau (Rajasthan) – Uses and conservation N.K. Sharma
• Plants of Medicinal and Ethnobotanical Importance in West Bengal – An overview Sauris Panda
• Antitoxic effect of the subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki (Insecta: Isoptera) used in the South Indian Folk Medicine A. Solavan, R. Paulmurugan, V. Wilsanand
• Use of Indigenous Herbal Medicinal Plants by Good Traditional Healers in cure of skin diseases in Bastar Region of Chhattisgarh Rajiv Rai and V. Nath
• Some sacred trees and their medicinal uses P.C. Trivedi, Garima Gupta and Seema Chaudhary
• A compilation of 17 articles, the book is a comprehensive review of significant investigations on traditional medicinal plants, their uses, ethnobotanical importance, commercial potential and standardization of herbal formulations.
• This monograph aims to find ways to exploit and preserve the availability and sustainability of medicinal plants for the benefit of mankind.
• Photographs of the important varieties of medicinal plants have been included appropriately.
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