Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 3rd Edition
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 3rd Edition

Tags: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, ARM, AVR & PIC Series Embedded Systems, 3/e, Engineering/Computer Science, Electronics\Communication and Instrumentation Engineering, R.S. Kaler

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, 3rd Edition

It is a complete textbook for anyone interested in all aspects of the microprocessors and microcontrollers family. This book is based upon Microprocessor 8085, 8086 and Microcontroller 8051. All other related microprocessors and microcontrollers like 80186, 80286, 80386, Pentium-4, ARM and PIC are also discussed. All chapters are described with fundamental objectives. A review of important terms and concepts is also given at the end of each chapter that reinforces the idea and material presented. Each chapter also has questions and problems. Broadly the book deals with:
• Evolution of microprocessor, digital concepts, number systems and their conversion, logic gates and combinational logic and circuits, complements, multiplexers-demultiplexers, Flip-Flops, counters, registers, analog/digital conversion counters, registers, analog/digital conversion
• Microprocessor 8085 and 8086 architecture, pin configuration, instructions set, stack and subroutines, addressing modes, interrupts, machine cycles and bus timings, control signals, peripheral I/O instructions, memory segmentation, flag register, minimum mode 8086 system and timings, assembler directives and operators
• Interfacing devices, data transfer schemes, interfacing and I/O devices, programmable peripheral interface (PPI), programmable keyboard/display interface (Intel 8279) centronix parallel communication, RS-232C, UART, programmable interval timer 8253, 8254, 8257 and 8259
• Microprocessor applications, seven-segment LED display, microprocessor-based traffic control, data acquisition system, analog to digital (A/D) converter, traffic signal controller, digital to analog converter
• Microprocessor 80XXX architecture, pin configuration, instructions set, addressing modes, interrupts, multitasking and comparison with different microprocessors
• Microcontroller 8051, MCS-51 family overview, architecture, basic registers, counters and timers, timer counter interrupts, serial data input/output, addressing modes, push and pop opcodes, instructions set, arithmetic operations, programming and testing the design, real-time operatingsystems (RTOS) • ARM, AVR and PIC microcontrollers, architecture, programming model, registers and flags, exception and interrupt modes, instructions set, PIC microcontroller family, PIC16F84 microcontroller, EEPROM data memory, PIC16Cxx microcontroller family
• Embedded systems, programming using Keil software, instructions set for 8085, 8086 and 8051. "
"1. Introduction to microprocessor
2. Digital circuits & memories
3. Intel 8085 microprocessor
4. Intel 8086 microprocessor
5. Interfacing devices
6. Microprocessor applications
7. Intel 80XXX series
8. Microcontrollers 8051
9. Introduction to ARM and PIC microcontrollers
10. Embedded systems Index Appendices "
• Intel Microprocessor 8085, 8086 and 80XXX architecture, pin description, instructions set, addressing modes, interrupts, execution of instructions, Instruction format, and so on.
• The subdivision of introduction to ARM and PIC microcontrollers from the second edition into two separate chapters, Fundamentals of ARM processor and PIC microcontrollers are the highlights.
• Also, an additional chapter for on Arduino has been added for detailed knowledge about the open-source platform.
• Interfacing devices, data transfer schemes, I/O devices, Centronics parallel communication, 8255-programmable peripheral interface (PPI), 8279, RS-232C, UART, programmable interval timer, 8251, 8253/54, 8257, 8259 and 8237.
• Microprocessor applications, seven-segment LED display, LCD display, Interfacing I/O with Matrix type keyboard, different types of A/D and D/A converters, microprocessor based traffic signal controller.
• Microcontroller 8051/8031, MCS-51 family PIC18 overview, architecture, memory organization, pin configuration, counters, timers, timer counter interrupts, serial communication, serial data interrupts, transmission modes and so on.
• ARM processors, architecture, core data flow, registers and CPSR, pipeline, exception, interrupt, vector modes, instruction set, writing code in assembly, instruction scheduling, allocation of registers and so on.
• Embedded systems, RTS with description of soft and hard Real Time Systems, C programming for 8051 using KEIL IDE, instruction set for 8085, 8086 and 8051.
• Arduino Uno basics, pin diagram, hardware, software (KEIL IDE), programming basics, coding of different programs, interfacing of DC motor and IR detection module with Arduino, Line Follower Robot and the Engine of War."
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