Modern Operating Systems
Modern Operating Systems

Tags: Modern Operating Systems, Engineering/Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Vasudevan Shriram K. , Subashri Vasudevan, Muralidharan Sunandhini, Kaushik Velusamy

Modern Operating Systems

"A course on operating system is an essential part of any computer science education. An operating system is a system software which manages computer hardware and interacts with the users. This book deals with all the major concepts of Operating Systems with relevant practical explanations. It will be easier for even a non-computer science student to understand the concepts. This book is written for the introductory course on operating system at the junior and the senior undergraduate level or at the first year graduate level. The fundamental concepts and algorithms covered in the book are often based on those used in the existing commercial operating systems. The aim is to present these concepts and algorithms in a general setting that is not tied to one particular operating system, and present it in the simplest and easiest way to the readers. With a lot of examples that pertain to the most popular operating systems, it also includes Linux (Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal and windows 8.1 machines)."
1- Introduction
2- Process and Inter-process Communication
3- Deadlock and Analysis
4- Memory Management
5- Files and Related Information
6- Security–An Indepth Investigation
7- Mass Storage Structure
Appendix - I. Shell Programming–An Introductory Discussion
Appendix - II. Basic Linux/Unix Commands
"• Deals with all the major concepts of operating systems with relevant practical explanations.
• Written in a lucid manner, making it easy to understand even for a non-computer science student.
• Covers fundamental concepts and algorithms used in the existing commercial operating systems in a general setting.
• Provides a large number of examples pertaining to most popular operating systems.
• Concepts are explained with additional scenarios in most of the places inside the chapters.
• “Key Points to Remember” and “Exercises” are important learning aids for the students. "
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