Non-conventional and Distributed Energy System
Non-conventional and Distributed Energy System

Tags: Non-conventional and Distributed Energy System, Engineering/Computer Science Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering, Tanmoy Deb

Non-conventional and Distributed Energy System

All types of non-conventional sources of power, i.e., biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, fuel cell, MHO, thermoelectric, thermionic, piezoelectric, small hydro, hybrid power plants, energy storage technologies and distributed generation have been discussed in detail along with case studies. Environmental impact of these power plants has also been discussed. 
This book is meant for students of B.Tech,  M.Tech, B.Sc.,  M.Sc, AMIE and various competitive exams.

1. Overview of Non-conventional energy
2. Biomass Energy system
3. Wind energy system
4. Solar energy system
5. Geothermal energy system
6. Ocean based energy system
7. Fuel cell, MHD and Hydrogen energy systems
8. Thermoelectric, Thermionic, Piezoelectric and
     Thermonuclear Systems        
9.  Small Hydro
10. Co-ordinated Operation of Hybrid Power Plants 
11. Energy Storage Systems
12. Distributed Generation Systems

• Covers syllabus of 25 universities and NITs.
• Each chapter provides an overview followed by
  construction, operation, analysis, equivalent 
  circuit, etc., of power plants.          
• It contains pedagogical features such as chapter
  summary, multiple-choice question bank, operating    
  power plants in the world, sample question papers,
  case studies, etc., to enhance student centric
• It contains 108 solved numerical problems, 56 
  unsolved numerical problems with answers, 402 
  figures and 117 tables to make subject matter
  easier to understand.
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