Numerical Methods for Graduates
Numerical Methods for Graduates

Tags: Numerical Methods for Graduates, transcendental equations, System of linear equations, system of non-linear equations, initial value problems, Interpolation, V.B.K. Vatti, V.B.K. Vatti auhtor, V.B.K. Vatti books, partial differential equations, Finite differences, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration topics, techsar, book publishing company

Numerical Methods for Graduates

This book will enable students and researchers to apply the numerical techniques given in this book to solve scientific and engineering problems. The text discusses in detail the methods of solving algebraic and transcendental equations, linear systems of equations, system of non-linear equations, initial value problems and partial differential equations of all the three types by the use of iterative methods. Also, Finite differences, Interpolation, Numerical differentiation and Numerical integration topics have been discussed in detail. The text is enriched with more than 500 problems including many solved examples and exercises given at the end of each chapter.
  1. Numerical Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations
  2. Finite Differences and Interpolation
  3. Numerical Differentiation
  4. Numerical Integration
  5. Correlation and Regression Analysis
  6. Solution of Linear Systems by Indirect Methods
  7. Solution Non-linear Systems by Indirect Methods
  8. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
  9. Iterative Solution of Partial Differential Equations


  • Illustrative examples and exercises at the end of each chapter with answers are included throughout the book to facilitate an easier understanding of the subject.
  • Numerical computations featured in this book further offer special interest to engineers, researchers and computational scientists.
  • The major results of the book are expected to find applications in many areas of engineering, science and technology.
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