Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers
Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers

Tags: Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers, Life Sciences, Agriculture, Ashwani Kumar, N.S. Shekhawat

Plant Tissue Culture and Molecular Markers

Plant tissue culture techniques help in understanding basic life processes and their proper understanding is essential for improving crop productivity. Besides, recently molecular biology has assumed great importance with respect to plant biotechnology. The present book amalgamates all three aspects into one, practical applications of various techniques being the need of the hour. It discusses micropropagation studies on several crop plants, the molecular basis of understanding various life processes including the molecular basis of somatic embryogenesis, and other physiological and biochemical processes having significant biotechnological applications. It also includes in vitro studies of some important plants like Aloe vera, Simmondsia chinensis, Anacyclus pyrethrum and Crataeva nurvala, Arachis hypogaea L., Phoenix dactylifera, Dendrocalamus asper, Asparagus descendants Roxb., natural products of plant origin with their therapeutic potential and biotechnological production, genome analysis of crop plants with future applications in biotechnology etc.
  • Contamination Control and Enhanced Axillary Budding from Mature Explants of Taxus baccata ssp. Wallichiana
  • Bioinformatics: an Overview
  • Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology
  • In Vivo and In Vitro Studies on Plant Tumors
  • Integrated Approaches of Mutagenesis and In Vitro Selection for Crop Improvement
  • Clonal Fidelity in Micropropagated Plants
  • Tissue Culture of Date Palm (Phoenix Dactylifera L.)—A Non-conventional Approach
  • Cytological Analysis of Nodal Stem Segment and Callus Regenerated Plantlets of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Neem)
  • Establishment of an in vitro Clonal Propagation Method for Commercial Exploitation from A High Biomass Yielding Aloe Vera (L.) Germplasm 
  • Unravelling the Molecular Basis of Somatic Embryogenesis
  • Doubled Haploids in Crop Brassicas: Retrospect and Prospects
  • A Review of Tissue Culture Studies on Bamboos
  • Cloning of Female Plant of Simmondsia Chinensis (Link) Schneider Selected for Cultivation in Rajasthan
  • Comparative Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature and Mature Zygotic Embryo Axes of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
  • In Vitro Studies and Micropropagation of Anacyclus pyrethrum and Crataeva nurvala
  • Micropropagation and Large-Scale Plant Regeneration of Edible Bamboo Dendrocalamus asper through Somatic Embryogenesis
  • Natural Products of Plant Origin with Therapeutic Potentiality and their Biotechnological Production
  • Micropropagation of Medicinal Plants of Indian Desert and Aravallies
  • Morphological and Biochemical Changes in in vitro Raised Arachis Hypogaea Var RG-141, Under Different Growth Regulators
  • Morphogenesis in Cultured Tissues of Three Grass Species
  • In Vitro Propagation of Vigna sp
  • Biology and Biotechnology of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) — A Review
  • Propagation of Chlorophytum Borivilianum San. and Fern.—A Review 
  • Recent Advances in Micropropagation of Chlorophytum Borivilianum Sant. & Fern.
  • Enhancement of Secondary Metabolites by Elicitation and Metabolic Engineering
  • High Frequency Plant Regeneration for Saccharum Munja — A Useful Plant of Arid Area
  • Biology and Biotechnology of Lasiurus Sindicus (Shewan): A Valuable Grass of Thar Desert
  • Liquid Culture System Stimulates In Vitro Growth and Shoot Multiplication in Some Medicinally Important Plant Species of Aravallis in Rajasthan
  • In Vitro Approaches for Plant Regeneration and Conservation of Some Potential Medicinal Plants
  • Rejuvenation of Mature Plant Tissues
  • Molecular Characterization of Diversity in Feronia limonia Using ISSR Markers
  • Molecular and Morphometric Diversity in Relation to Breeding System in Andrographis Paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees
  • An Approach to Determine Polymorphic and Sharing of Genome Between Crops of Poaceae Family (Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane) Using RAPD as Genetic Tool
  • Molecular Biology of Fruit Ripening
  • Molecular Markers — an Important and Indispensable Biotechnological Tool for Crop Improvement and Conservation
  • Morphological and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Medicinal Herb ‘Safed Musli’ (Chlorophytum Borivilianum Sant. Et Fernand.)
  • Biochemical Changes Associated with Morphogenesis in Saffron
  • Insecticidal Genes and their Sustainable Use in Insect Resistant Transgenic Crops
  • Gene Tagging : A Golden Research Area in Agriculture Biotechnology
  • Alternative Respiration may Have a Role in Reducing Oxidative Stress in Plants
  • Tissue Culture Techniques in Introgression of Resistance to Alternaria helianthi from Wild Sunflowers to Cultivated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
  • Virus Resistance Inducing Proteins From Plants
  • Effect of Nacl and Thermal Stress on Proline Content and Electrophoretic Behaviour of Protein in Small-Millets Seedlings Grown In Vitro
  • A Study of Systemic Acquired Responses to Pathogen Attack in Certain Economically Important Crops
  • Efficient Microdosing of Phosphorus to Pearl millet Hybrids (Pennisetum americanum L.) for Improved Seedling Establishment under Nutrient-Stressed Environments
• Covers the topics of plant cell and tissue culture techniques to biochemical, molecular genetic aspects and their usage for improving plant productivity.
• The text is well supported with tables, diagrams, and pictures.
• Each chapter has an abstract and keywords, and provides a conclusion at the end.
• Chapters are contributed by 129 eminent scientists and academicians.
Price : $2495
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Selling Price : $1996
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