Principles of Food Production Operations
Principles of Food Production Operations

Tags: Principles of Food Production Operations, Hospitality and Tourism , Yogesh Singh

Principles of Food Production Operations

Principles of Food Production Operations describes the fundamental principles of the world of the culinary arts – both theory and practice. 
Divided into four parts: Food Production Operations, Basic Preparations, Commodities Used, Bakery and Confectionery; the book has been conceptualized and designed to be an indispensable textbook for Hotel Management students for various degree and diploma courses in food production. 
The book covers the latest curricular requirements of the Hotel Management syllabi. 
Besides being a treasure trove for students, this book will be a useful reference for professional and budding chefs, hoteliers and restaurateurs, and any food enthusiast.

Part A: Introduction to Food Production Operations

1.Introduction to Cookery
2.Kitchen – An overview
3.Demystifying the World of Catering
4.Kitchen Equipment
5.Cooking Methods
6.Latest Trends in Cookery
Part B: Basic Preparations

12.Garnishes and Accompaniments
Part C: Commodities Used

13.Egg Cookery
14.Meat and Poultry
15.Fish and Shellfish
17.Dairy Products
18.Flavoring: Herbs and Spices
Part D: Basics of Bakery and Confectionery

20.Understanding Bakery
21.Bread Basics
25.Basics of Pastry and Cream 
I:English Terms and Their French Equivalents
II:Culinary Terminology

• Gives a detailed perspective of all major aspects of food production like cooking methods, 
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