Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms
Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms

Tags: Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms

Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms

The present book entitled, “Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms” is an up-to-date account of embryology subject fortified with recent research on the subject as well as highlights the results of analytical disciplines such as Physiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology, in particular Gene Action.
The present book begins by an introductory chapter: Importance of Reproductive Biology and ends in the last chapter 21: Applications of Reproductive Biology. In between are chapters on different aspects of Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms. Some of these chapters are new, hitherto, undescribed.
This book is aimed to be a textbook on Reproductive Biology of Angiosperm for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of Botany.
 1. Significance of Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms 
 2. Flowering
 3. Male Gametogenesis (Microsporangium and Microsporogenesis)
 4. Induction of Male Sterility and Restoration to Fertility
 5. In Vitro and In Vivo Germination of Pollen and Pollen Tube Growth
 6. Megasporangiun and Megasporogenesis, Female Gametogenesis 
 7. Pollination, Pollen-Pollinator and Pollen-Pistil Interactions
 8. Fertilization (in vivo and in vitro)
 9. Self-Incompatibility
 10. Zygotic Embryogenesis
 11. Endosperm Origin, Development and Differentiation
 12. Polyembryony
 13. Induction of Haploid Plants on Culture of an Anther and Gynoecium
 14. Induction of Haploids on Culture of Pollen (Microspores)
 15. Induction of Haploids on Chromosome Elimination in Wide Cross
 16. Apomixis
 17. Fruit Biology
 18. Seed Biology
 19. Somatic Embryogenesis
 20. Protoplasts and Parasexual Plants
 21. Applications of Reproductive Biology

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