Steel Data Handbook
Steel Data Handbook

Tags: Steel Data Handbook, Engineering/Computer Science, Civil Engineering, K.V. Parmod

Steel Data Handbook

The book is specially planned for reducing the time required for design of Steel Structural members. It gives the properties of standard steel sections used in regular designs and also gives i) tensile load capacity of Equal and Unequal Angle Sections; ii) compressive strength and load capacity of single angle sections (both Equal and Unequal Angles),all I-Sections, Channel Sections, T-Sections and iii) Moment of Resistance of all I-sections. The details of load capacities and Moments of Resistance are provided in the form of tables which are very easy to use. The tensile load capacities of angle sections are given for both yield stress and ultimate stress, for full cross-sectional area and can be used for the design of welded members. The compressive load capacities are given for a range of effective lengths starting from 1.0 m to an effective length corresponding to a slenderness ratio of 250, maximum value as per the code IS:800-2007. The Moments of Resistance for all I-sections are given for both cases, viz., low shear and high shear, considering the compression flange to be laterally supported. The book also helps in making the designs economic as all sections having the design load/moment capacities can be listed and the one with minimum weight can be selected as the design member. The book aims at increasing the efficiency of the steel structural designer-saving time and simultaneously achieving economy. The students also can pick up this art while learning the subject.
1. Rolled Steel I-Sections
2. Rolled Steel Channels
3. Rolled Steel Equal Angles
4. Rolled Steel Unequal Angles Sections
5. Rolled Steel Tee-Sections
6. Rolled Steel I-Sections with Additional Plates on Both Flanges to be used as Girders
7. Rolled Steel I-Sections with Channel and Plates on The Flanges to be used as Girders Tensile Load Capacity of Single Equal Angle Sections
8. Tensile Load Capacity of Equal Angle Sections for Yield Stress and Ultimate Stress with Welded end Connections for Gross Area Tensile Load Capacity of Single Unequal Angle Sections
9. Tensile Load Capacity of Unequal Angle Sections for Yield Stress and Ultimate Stress with Welded end Connections for Gross Area Factored Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Equal Angle Section
10. Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Equal Angle Section Factored Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Unequal Angle Section
11. Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Unequal Angle Section Factored Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single I-Sections
12. Axial Compression Load Capacity of I-Section Factored Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Channel-Sections
13. Axial Compression Load Capacity of Channel-Section Factored Axial Compression Load Capacity of Single Tee-Sections
14. Axial Compression Load Capacity of T-Section Factored Moment of Resistance of I-Sections
15. Moments of Resistance of Indian Standard I-Sections for Low Shear and High Shear
16. Moments of Resistance of Semi-compact I-Sections
A-1. Shear Strength of Grade 4.6 Bolts
A-2. Tensile Shear Strength of Grade 4.6 Bolts
A-3. Bearing Shear Strength of Grade 4.6 Bolts for Typical and Distances and Pitch Distances
A-4 Fillet Weld Strength for Shop Welds and Field Welds.
Price : $18
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