Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Tags: Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Principles of Angiosperms Taxonomy, Plant Taxonomy, History of Classification, Systems of Classifications, Current Systems of Classifications, Plant Nomenclature , Species Problem, Primitive Versus Advanced Characters, Taxonomic Hierarchy, Modern Trends in Taxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, Numerical Taxonomy, Biosystematics, Computerized Systematics, Reproductive Biology and Systematics, Fossil Angiosperms, Origin of Angiosperms, Plant Geography, Endemism, Flora of India

Taxonomy of Angiosperms

Taxonomy of Angiosperms is designed for B.Sc. (H) and M.Sc. students of Botany in various universities. The book is divided into two parts; Part I deals with the Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy and Part II deals with families. The book is amply illustrated with examples. Some of the important chapters in Part I comprise Different Classifications, Nomenclature, Biosystematics, Modern Trends in Taxonomy, Chemotaxonomy, Numerical Taxonomy etc. Part II deals with about 214 families of which 55 are discussed in detail and summarized accounts of the rest are given for advanced students. The book also comes loaded with numerous appendices like comparison of classifications, floral diagrams and floral formulae, questions etc. The book will cater to the needs of Botany students pursuing B.Sc. (H), M.Sc. and related fields like Medical Botany, Pharmacy, Agricultural Botany and Horticulture.
  • Preface
  • Part I: Principles of Angiosperms Taxonomy: Plant Taxonomy
  • History of Classification
  • Systems of Classifications
  • Current Systems of Classifications
  • Plant Nomenclature 
  • Species Problem
  • Primitive Versus Advanced Characters
  • Taxonomic Hierarchy
  • Modern Trends in Taxonomy
  • Chemotaxonomy
  • Numerical Taxonomy
  • Biosystematics
  • Computerized Systematics
  • Reproductive Biology and Systematics
  • Fossil Angiosperms
  • Origin of Angiosperms
  • Plant Geography
  • Endemism
  • Introduction to Flora of India
  • Herbaria, Botanical Gardens, Plant Identification and Literature in Taxonomy
  • Part II: Families: More than 200 Families and 160 additional families described. Appendices : Armen Takhtajhan's Classification
  • Comparisons of Families
  • Technical Description of a Plant
  • Questions of Principles of Taxonomy some Families of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons
  • Floral Diagrams and floral Formula of Some families of Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons
  • Selected References

• Part I -- spread in 20 chapters -- deals with different aspects of principles of taxonomy, and part II gives a detailed account of about 55 families, with examples. Additionally, brief account of about 160 families is also given.
• The text is amply illustrated with diagrams and the subject matter is explored in detail under various heads and sub-heads.
• Appendices include Armen Takhtajhan’s classification, comparisons of families, technical description of a plant, comparison of different classifications, questions of principles of taxonomy, and floral diagrams and floral formula of angiosperm families.

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