Understanding MATLAB
Understanding MATLAB

Tags: Understanding MATLAB, A Textbook for Beginners, Engineering/Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, S.N. Alam, S.S. Alam

Understanding MATLAB

This book is mainly for students and professionals who are trying to learn MATLAB through self-study. This book can be used by anyone who is completely unacquainted with MATLAB. In a step-by-step process, this book tries to teach the readers how to write MATLAB programs in order to solve problems. The book intends to acquaint the user with a number of inbuilt functions and features of MATLAB with specific illustrations in the areas of science and technology. MATLAB is a high level computing language, which can be used in a wide range of areas. A large number of examples have been included in this book. Plots, matrix calculations, vectors, loops, functions, solving linear equations, integration, differentiation, ordinary differential equations, curve fitting, image processing, animation and a lot of other areas have been dealt with in this book.
  • Introduction
  • Arrays, Strings and Data Structures
  • Plotting
  • Loops and Functions
  • Solving a System of Linear Equations
  • Integration, Differentiation and Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Statistical Functions, Line and Polynomial Fitting
  • Image Processing, Animation, Movies and Sound
  • Bibliography
  • Index.
• Intended for beginners, the book provides knowledge of inbuilt functions and features of MATLAB.
• Explains various functions using MAT LAB like plotting, matrix calculations, integration, differentiation, solving linear equations, interpolation, etc.
• A lot of colour diagrams have been included in the book.
• Includes a lot examples for practice.
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