University Administration and System in India
University Administration and System in India

Tags: University Administration and System in India, Business and Economics, Other Management Areas, R.S. Jaglan, Karam Pal Narwal

University Administration and System in India

Given that the economic development, accelerated by the expanding base of higher education may lead to the reduction of other kinds of disparities—social, regional, political—its contribution in stabilizing our civil society at this juncture of volatility cannot be underestimated which in turn may help the process of speedy national development further. The book raises all such issues. The insight of ‘university administration and systems in India’ is considered the most common issue for all the stakeholders engaged in higher education especially at post-graduate level and the readers have to wonder for authentic source of literature to understand the same. This predicament of interested readers particularly requires instantaneous efforts on the part of academe. The present book is an endeavour to put a match to the expectations of those readers particularly teachers, students and policymakers who are peripatetic for evocative lone text on the subject matters. The book includes thirty-three chapters. The basic concepts have been elucidated with suitable illustrations for covering the underlying spirit on the subject. All the chapters have been deliberated by the scholars into an uninterrupted sequence and all conceptual details provided in this text are in self-instructional mode. It is expected that the readers would find this book quite valuable and receptive.
  • How to Create World-Class Universities
  • Governance in Higher Education: International Scenario
  • Governance of University System in India
  • The Expansion of Higher Education in India
  • India Needs World Class Institutes in Higher Education
  • Challenges Faced by Higher Education in India
  • Hiatus between Administrators and Faculty in Higher Education Institutions
  • Imbalance and Inequalities in University System in India
  • Possible Reforms and Quality Issues for Indian Higher Education: Challenges & Prospects
  • Accountability and Governance in University System
  • Administration, Accountability and Governance in University System
  • Objectives and Role of University Education
  • Change and Reform in University Education
  • University Education in Changing Environment: Some Issues and Challenges
  • Quality Assurance Agencies for Higher Education in India
  • Universities and Reforms in Higher Education: Some Issues of Concern in Haryana
  • Doctoral Research in Indian Universities: Some Quality Monitoring Issues
  • Women and Higher Education in India
  • ICT Enabled Good Governance for Universities
  • Students’ Learning Evaluation in Higher Education: A Case Method Approach
  • Psychology and Metrics in Engineering Education
  • Higher Education in the Era of Digital Economy
  • ICT Driven Higher Education: Its Effectiveness
  • Higher Education Vis-À-Vis Status and Roadmap for Media Education in India
  • Role of Work Culture & Values in Improving Academics of Universities in India
  • Role of Technology in Media Education
  • Teaching Technology for University and College Teachers
  • Curicular Planning of Pave the Higher Education Pathways
  • Human Resource Management in the University System
  • Functioning Profile of University Works Department
  • Status of Agricultural Education in India
  • Indiscipline in the Universities
  • Financial Management in Universities
  • Index
• Contains 33 state-of-the-art articles on various aspects of university administration and common challenges faced.
• Includes important topics like women in higher education, role of ICTs, governance, reforms, financial management etc.
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