Web Technology
Web Technology

Tags: Web Technology, Theory and Practice, Engineering/Computer Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Madhu Chauhan, Kanika Bhalla

Web Technology

Web technology refers to the means by which computers communicate with each other using Markup languages and multimedia packages. This book provides a hands-on experience to the students to build real-world Web-based applications, and use a wide variety of Web development tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, etc. It is divided into six sections with each section including chapters on relevant tools, including unsolved and solved programming questions along with multiple-choice questions, short and long answer questions to help the students in their examinations. Most of the problems have been adapted from previous year papers of various universities and competitive examination papers.
Section 1: Internet and World Wide Web
 1. Evolution of Internet and WWW
 2. Concepts of Internet
 3. Web Browsers
Section 2: Hypertext Markup Language
4. HTML: An Overview
5. HTML-Header
6. HTML-Body Basic Tags
7. HTML-Formatting Tags
8. HTML-Phrase Tags
9. HTML Images
10. HTML Tables
11. HTML Lists
12. HTML Frames
13. HTML Forms
Section 3: HTML Styling
14. Cascading Style Sheets
Section 4: HTML JavaScript
15. JavaScript
Section 5: Dynamic HTML
Section 6: Extensible Markup Language
17. XML (Extensible Markup Language) Question Bank
• MCQs added at the end of each chapter.
• Conceptual short and long questions at the end of each chapter.
• Solved programming questions in each chapter.
• Very simplified and lucid approach.
• Numerous examples and case studies.
Price : $36
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Selling Price : $36
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