Agile Manufacturing
Agile Manufacturing

Tags: Agile Manufacturing, Business and Economics, Other Management Areas, M P Chowdiah

Agile Manufacturing

Agile Manufacturing is a revolutionary approach which opens up a new pathway in designing and implementing manufacturing systems using new and emerging technologies and organizational managements, that is, management, technology, workforce to achieve the goals of competitive advantage. It is a continuous driving enterprise involving a quantum leap in our current thinking about manufacturing systems; development of the needed capability to respond to the demands of highly customized products of high quality. Agile manufacturing calls for integration of management, highly skilled and knowledgeable methods to penetrate highly competitive and dynamic niche market environments to successfully achieve world-class performance, even outperforming the best of competitors. All these requirements are mutually interdependent and hence we need a formidable strategy not only to become agile but also to exploit and dominate that agility. We concurrently need new productive skills and knowledge-enhancing research-based technologies so crucial to support the futuristic manufacturing systems without any traditional barriers that would frustrate profitable deployment of the system.
The present book discusses all the aspects related to agile manufacturing. Broadly it covers its advantages, applications, inputs and outputs, importance, core concepts and certain case studies to prove the point.
This book will be highly useful for industries, engineering students, practising engineers, and people involved in industrial and business management.

1.Products Development - The New Imperative  
2.Standardzation - Steps and Prerequisites 
3.Globalization of Product Design 
4.Manufacturing Competativeness - The New Phase  
5.Concurrent Engineering (C.E) 
6.Ideal Producton Synchronized Manufacturing etc. 
7.Agile Manufacturing 
8.Agile Manufacturing - The Advent of A New Frontier 
9.Agile Manufacturing - A 21st Century Paradigm 
10.Agile Manufacturing Implies Revolutionary Changes 
11.Advantages and Applications of Agile Manufacturing 
12.Agile Manufacturing Needs Many Input
13.Agile Manufacturing Needs Many Outputs 
14.Customization Japans Just-In Time Production (Jit) 
15.Benefits of Agile Manufacturing - Some Examples  
16.How Vital is Resources Effeciency? 
17.Green Engineering  
18.Globalization Calls for Training of Personal Etc.  
19.Several More New Aspects in The Fore 
20.Some Successes of Agile Manufacturing in India and Abroad.
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