1. MIS for Tracking of Workers, Works and Funds in Sikkim
2. Role of MGNREGA in Disaster Mitigation in Uttarakhand
3. Convergence of MGNREGA with Rural Sanitation in Rajasthan
4. Impact of MGNREGA on the Migration of Workforce: East Singhbhum, Jharkhand
5. Labour Budget – Preparation of Plan: Andhra Pradesh
6. Public – Private – PRI – Community Partnership for Sustainable Development
–Gulbarga, Karnataka
7. NREGS V/S MGNREGA: Maharashtra
8. Social Audit and Community Empowerment in West Bengal
9. Social Security Schemes: Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana [RSBY] & MGNREGA,
Madhya Pradesh
10. Electronic Fund Management System (e-FMS), Chhattisgarh
11. MGNREGA Wage Rate V/S Market Rate in Haryana
12. Shortage of Agriculture Labour: Hoshiarpur, Punjab
13. Non Availability of Unskilled Labour in Industry: Gujarat
14. Ombudsman: An Effective Tool in MGNREGA: Himachal Pradesh
15. Outsourcing in Administration in MGNREGA Gujarat
16. gnrega in Tamil Nadu Quality Management: Cost
17. Sustainable Livelihood Support – Skill Development To Maintain Assets Created
18. Vulnerable Groups MGNREGA, Odisha
19. Wage Payment Through Bank & Post Office-Financial Inclusion in Gulbarga, Karnataka