Environmental Ecology and Field Biology
Environmental Ecology and Field Biology

Tags: Environmental Ecology and Field Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vartika Mathur

Environmental Ecology and Field Biology

The book aims to create awareness about ecology, field biology and their applied aspects with special emphasis on biodiversity, pollution & environmental protection acts. It provides an in-depth information on some of the endangered animals with a note on their life cycle, habits and habitats and causes for their decline. The book also describes the life cycle of some common phyto- and zooplanktons and vertebrates and explains their ecological significance.
2.Environmental Pollution 
3.Environment Protection Acts 
4.Study of Enhangered Animals with special Reference to Reptiles, Birds and Mammals of Indian Subcontinent 
5.Study of Ecological Significance of Representatives of Phytoplankton's, Zooplanktons, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals 
  • Biodiversity which includes genetic & species diversities, community and ecosystem diversities, importance of biodiversity, threats to biodiversity and conservation. 
  • Environmental pollution and environmental social issues. 
  • Environment Protection Acts. Study of endangered animals with special reference to reptiles, birds and mammals of Indian subcontinent and; 
  • Study of ecological significance of sensitives of phyto- and zooplanktons, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The book contains more than 90 colour photographs.
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