Frontiers in Plant Sciences
Frontiers in Plant Sciences

Tags: Frontiers in Plant Sciences, Life Sciences, Microbiology, K.G. Mukerji

Frontiers in Plant Sciences

During the recent years great advances have been made in nearly all fields of plant sciences. Frontiers in Plant Sciences is an attempt to bring all these widely different aspects together in one volume. The present volume contains wide ranging articles on Taxonomy of Fungi, Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology (including aerobiology, mycorrhizae, soil rhizosphere, microflora and biological control of plant diseases). Algae an aquatic angiosperms have also been given the due space. Comprehensive or concise, it offers a detailed overview of applied aspects of Botany in terms of its theoretical, methodological and empirical contribution. With emphasis on interdisciplinary aspects, it highlights recent prospective linkages among diverse research paradigms. All those interested in the pursuit of Plant Sciences will find this volume useful and stimulating.

Section 1 Fungal Taxonomy
Some New Conidial Fungi
Fungi of Delhi, XXVII. Studies on Indian Coticules Ascomycetes: Six Unrecorded Species 
Family Xylariaceae - An Overview 
Marine Fungi from Orissa (India)-III: Monosporic Fungi 
Notes on Some Species of Agarics from N.W. Himalayas 
Variations in the Smut Fungi
Biodiversity of Rust and Smut Fungi  India Perspective
A Century of Contribution Towards Indian Mycology
Section 2 Fungal Ecology: Occurrence and Phenology of the Oomycetes with Special Reference to Saprolegniaceae
Associative Effects of Beneficial Rhizosphere Microorganisms for Sustainable Agriculture
Interactions between Rhizosphere Microorganisms and Plant Pathogens
The Ecology of Fungi on Plant Remains above the Soil from Dharwad
Fungal Diversity and Pattern of Colonization on Leaf Litter of Anacardium Occidentale
Aeropalynology and Allergic Diseases
A Study of the Aerial Microflora of Mauritius in Relation to Allergy and Asthma
Interactions Among Chrysophobia, Keratophakic and nondermatophytic Fungi
Section 3 Microbial Physiology: Role of Type III Protein secretion in Rhizobium Legume Symbiosis 
Molecular Methods for Characterization of Yeasts Associated with Foods and Beverages
Hypercellulolytic Mutants of Humicola grisea var. thermoidea from Sunderban Mangrove Forest
Calcium Mobilization in Neurospora crassa
Section 4 Microbial Application : Antibiotics: Past, Present, and Future-A Review
Ergot Alkaloids: Industrial Perspectives
Prospect of MMIR (Mixed Microbial Inoculum for Reclamation) for Bioremediation and Ecorestoration of Chromite Mine Waste Area
Why Performance of PSMs was not Guaranteed?
Mushroom Nutriceuticals: An Emerging Health Care Aid 
Role and Control of Microorganisms Involved in Dental Caries and Periodontal Diseases- A Review
Yeast- An Ideal Eukaryotic System for Modern Biology- An Overview
Section 5 Biological Control: Application of Microorganisms in the Biological Control of Plant Pathogens
Biological Control of Postharvest Fungal Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Current Trends and Future Directions
Section 6 Mycorrhiza: Plant Fungus Interaction During Development of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi for Heavy Metal Remediation
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Rhizosphere and its Impact on Plants Growth under Stress Conditions
Ectomycorrhizal Diversity and its Role in the Productivity of Forest Plants
Effect of Different Isolates of Laccaria Fraterna for Growth Improvement of Eucalyptus Grandis Seedlings in the Nursery
Actinorhizal and Mycorrhizal Tripartite Symbioses in Casuarina Equisetifolia for Forestry Practices 
Mycorrhizae as Biocontrol Agent in Disease Control
 Section 7 Lichens : Phytosociology of Macrolichens Occurring on Pine Tree of Nainital Kumaun Himalaya
Section 8 Genetics : Induced Genetic Variability in Green Gram. I. Correlation Studies
Origin of B Chromosome Evidence from Fluorescence Insitu Hybridisation
Section 9 Cynobacteria : Heterocyst Differentiation and Function in Cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria in the Soil Crusts and their UV-sunscreen Pigments
Industrially Important Enzymes from Cyanobacteria 
Impact of Electric Field on Spirulina Platensis (Lonar Lake Isolate)
Section 10 Aquatic Angiosperm : Morphology and Distribution of Podostemaceae in India 

  • The 44 articles comprise both reviews as well as original research papers, and highlight the applied and interdisciplinary aspects of botanical studies.
  • Divided into ten sections, it deals with fungal taxonomy, fungal ecology, microbial physiology, microbial application, biological control, mycorrhiza, lichens, genetics, cyanobacteria, and aquatic angiosperm.
  • The book is profusely illustrated with photographs and labelled diagrams, and also primary and secondary data.
Price : $128
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Selling Price : $128
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