This book is meant for the students of B.E., B. Tech., B.Sc., and A.M.I.E. students. It provides the fundamental concepts of Modern Physics through various applications. It provides step-by-step solutions of topics. A set of solved numericals, theoretical questions ..
This book, which is a sort of walk into various disciplines of physics, is mainly intended to arouse the curiosity of readers in the applied version of physics. The book will meet the requirements of the UG students of various technical universities. The lucid and interesting presentation of the subject with good and illustrative examples will fulfill the quest of knowing the subject better.
The need of instrumentation in biological sciences began with the development of the telescope and the microscope by Galileo in the early 1600s. The invention of the compound microscope in 1610 gave birth to microscopic anatomy. In the 19th and early 20t..
The present book is designed for the first year engineering students. The salient features of the book are:• It covers all the topics of the syllabus.• The different concepts and propositions are developed in terms of simple physical phenomenon supplemented with ..
The present book is designed to meet the requirements of undergraduate Physics students of different universities. It will also be useful for the students taking various competitive examinations. The book divided in four units and nine chapters deals with the basic..
Nanotechnology: Importance & Applications highlights the latest developments and advances in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology and their wide applications in design and development of Material Science and Devices, Energy, Drug Delivery, Cosmetics, Biol..
The second revised and enlarged edition of this book introduces to the students of B.E., B.Tech., AMIETE and AMIE courses, the important application oriented areas of mathematics, specially in the field of technology and general science.
The book Condensed Matter Physics Strives to provide essential physics of the soft condensed matter and included many recent topics.The book has been divided into nineteen chapters.The book will be an important reading for the undergraduate, graduate students and researchers
This book is intended to serve as a textbook of applied physics/Physics paper of the undergraduate students of B.E., B.Tech and B.Sc. Exhaustive treatment of topics in optics, mechanics, relativistic mechanics, laser, optical fibres and holography have been included..
This book is meant to serve as a textbook of Physics for the undergraduate students of science and engineering. Exhausted treatment of topics in quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, nuclear physics, electromagnetic theory, X-rays production, properties and app..
Astronomy & Astrophysics is a subject which attracts people of all ages; from a school going student to a person enjoying superannuation. The text deals with the fundamentals of Astronomy and Astrophysics. After briefing about the beginning of Astronomy, we hav..
One of the core subjects in Physics, Electrodynamics is taught to graduate and postgraduate students.In this book, MKS system has been adopted and tensor algebra is not used, so that the presentation of each topic is at the le..
This book has been written to meet the requirement of undergraduate students. Although there are several books on Engineering Physics, most of them are bulky and written by foreign authors. Most of these books are not suitable for the students of Indian Universitie..
This book presents principles, basic concepts and application of Statistical Mechanics.The standard undergraduate syllabus in Physics includes in introductory course in Statistical Mechanics, whereas the postgraduate course in..
This book is meant for those opting for courses where knowledge of applications of nuclear physics is required and also to the people involved in application oriented fields of nuclear physics. This book includes major applications of nuclear physics, such as detector technology, nuclear power,..
Designed for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering, this book includes almost all the special functions, that is, Fourier Series, Boundary Value Problems and Theory of Errors and Fitting of Curves. It is supposed that the students are acquainted with fundamentals of calculus, co-ordinate geometry, trigonometry and the theory of complex variables.
Apart from updating the existing text of 1st edition two new chapters, namely, Mandelstam Variables and Symmetries of Scattering Amplitude and Regge Poles have been included in this edition. The former, that constitutes the seventh chapter of the book, introduces Mandelstam variables and descri..
Concepts of Electromagnetic Theory is a useful resource on the electromagnetic theory for undergraduate students of science and various technical streams. The book covers a wide range of topics, viz., electrical field and potential, electrostatic boundary value prob..
Electronic Devices and Circuits contains the fundamentals of electronic devices and their applications. The book is centred around the basic characteristics, analysis, design and application aspects of conductors, insulators, semi-conductors, resistors, inductors, c..
This book is designed for B.Sc., B.E. and A.M.I.E. students of all discipline. It lays priority to the basic concepts of the topic with developing a profound conceptual base of heat and thermodynamics. This book is a bridge between thermal physics and non-equilibriu..
“Nanomaterials – Synthesis, Properties and Applications” is a book for beginners to explore the enticing world of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This book is primarily intended for students pursuing courses in nanoscience and nanotechnology at undergraduate a..
This book includes to-the-point description of titles, related theories, labelled diagrams, tables, examples, etc. This book is beneficial for B.Tech. Physics, B.Sc. Physics and for M.Sc. Applied Physics students. It helps students to prepare for JAM, NET SET exams...
In science and engineering, use of computers is indispensable. The computers are often used for numerical calculations of mathematical expressions. Use of the C and C++ languages is nowadays popular among the students of Science and Engineering. This book discusses ..
Physics for IIT-JEE (Electrostatics and Magnetism-IV) is designed for the aspirants of JEE and other engineering examinations.
The volumes contain to the point theory. Numerous of solved numericals along with practice tests having subjective type, objective type, matrix matching and integer type questions which provide the aspirants thorough understanding of the subject and help prepare them for any type of problem asked in the IIT JEE.
Physics for IIT-JEE (Mechanics-I) is designed for the aspirants of JEE and other engineering examinations.
The volumes contain to the point theory. Numerous of solved numericals along with practice tests having subjective type, objective type, matrix matching and integer type questions which provide the aspirants thorough understanding of the subject and help prepare them for any type of problem asked in the IIT JEE.
Physics for IIT-JEE (Mechanics-II) is designed for the aspirants of JEE and other engineering.
The volumes contain to the point theory. Numerous of solved numericals along with practice tests having subjective type, objective type, matrix metaling type and integer type) questions which provide the aspirants thorough understanding of the subject and help prepare them for any type of problem asked in the IIT JEE.
Physics for IIT-JEE (Optics and Modern Physics-V) is designed for the aspirants of JEE and other engineering examinations.
The volumes contain to the point theory. Numerous of solved numericals along with practice tests having subjective type, objective type, matrix matching and integer type questions which provide the aspirants thorough understanding of the subject and help prepare them for any type of problem asked in the IIT JEE.
Physics for IIT-JEE (Oscillation, waves, heat and thermodynamics-III) is designed for the aspirants of JEE and other engineering examination.
The volumes contain to the point theory. Numerous of solved numericals along with practice tests having subjective type, objective type, matrix matching and integer type questions which provide the aspirants thorough understanding of the subject and help prepare them for any type of problem asked in the IIT JEE.
The book presents basic concepts of Quantum Mechanics to undergraduate and postgraduate students at various colleges and universities. Starting from the preliminary ideas related to quantum mechanics, a systematic and logical approach has been used in the subsequent..
This book covers in detail the topics that are usually not treated traditional coverage. It provides valuable insights into the underlying physics. This book aims at addressing this gap by providing a lucid description of single particle relativistic dynamics at the..
The book “Solid State Physics” is written for B.Sc. Physics (Hons.) students according to the latest CBCS syllabus. The help of diagrams and examples is taken to clear the basic concepts of Physics. Formulas are derived step by step for easy understanding. Quest..
This all-inclusive text introduces undergraduate students to the basics of linear vector spaces, tensor analysis especially, Cartesian and general tensors. The aim of this book is to specifically explain the fundamentals of tensors and their applications to mechanic..
The aim of this book is to give an introduction to the fundamental principles of antennas and wave propagation. Unlike other books available, there is more emphasis on mathematical explanation in addition to physical understanding. Physical principles are explained in detail with clear diagrams to support the theory.
Applied Physics-Vol 1 has been written keeping in mind First Year Engineering Students of Four Year Degree Course (B.E./B.Tech.). This book will develop interest in the subject of Applied Physics and students can look forward for securing higher and better scores.
The book is intended to be a reference for selected problems in Engineering Mathematics and Physics covering the fields of Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Signal Processing, Electromagnetic Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. Many of the problems introduced in this book ..
Sequence of topics in this book has been adapted from undergraduate and postgraduate level courses of various universities.
Organized in eight chapters it broadly deals with: Evolution of wireless communications. Overview of different generations from 1G to..
Wave optics, also called physical optics, deals with studying various phenomena such as polarization, diffraction, interference and other occurrences where ray approximation of geometric optics cannot be done. Thus, the section of optics that deals with the behavior of light and its wave characte..
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